After searching for articles on organic rankings, I found an old panel discussion that had the privilege of holding with highly sought-after SEO experts and contributors to conduct research on search engine rankings and optimization; with the likes of Aaron Wall from SEOBook, Joost de Valk from Yoalk, and Danny Sullivan from SearchEngineLand saying a few words.  The result is a compilation of their wisdom and knowledge about SEM rankings, and a bonus gift of specific Google ranking trends.  Here are some of the results of that panel discussion, which you can also find at

Positive Factors:

  1. Keyword use in Title Tag
  2. Anchor Text of Inbound Link
  3. Global Link Popularity of Site
  4. Age of Site
  5. Link Popularity within Site’s Link Infrastructure

Negative Factors:

  1. Server is often inaccessible
  2. Content Very Similar or Duplicate of Existing Content in the Index
  3. External Links to Low Quality/Spam Sites
  4. Duplicate Title/Meta Tags on Many Pages
  5. Overuse of Targeted Keywords (Stuffing/Spamming)

I’m really glad that they were able to discuss questions and concerns about the methods and means that search engines render ranking procedures and ranking elements.  It would have been a great experience as an overall online marketer to really get to see these guys in person and pick some of their brains.  But I guess SEOmoz beat me to it!  There is literally so much to think about that came out of this discussions that I have still yet to really dive in deeply into these results, since I think a lot of the comments made I had to really assess and analyze for practicality in the most recent timeframe.  I figured since this was last year’s panel that some of the methods may have changed.  After all, technology does run faster than the speed of light.  However, I thought it would be at least educational, if not nostalgic, to post the results and educate (and in some cases re-educate) my fellow colleagues and potential clients about ways to enhance your online marketing efforts.  Once I get my hand and brain in depth with this, I will return to do more!

Until then, sleep tight, all you SEO-ers.