I recently read an article from WebProNews.com about how blogging success takes a few months (i.e. time and work) to generate links and traffic to that specific blog. “Content is king, but not always the case in blogs,” they say, “especially when someone with more experience and knowledge can do it bigger and better.” I guess you can say that this is old news to experienced bloggers and online marketers. But in reality, this is not necessarily common knowledge to the masses. Why? Because most bloggers blog to share what they have to say, regardless of any marketing intentions, agendas or lack thereof. Whatever opinions you have, you can voice it, and who cares what people think. Right?

So if other people [bloggers] can do it better than you, then you should care what people think, especially if those people happen to be the same audience that other people are addressing to. I love my pastor’s statement that words are very important because it means EVERYTHING. Making one mistake can alter a word’s meaning, which then alters the whole sentence and changes the meaning and direction of every statement you want to portray. And in online marketing, it is making words count that will generate your audience’s attention and ultimately links and traffics to your site. It boils down to market share, and what you have to say can affect how your site generates rankings and traffic. That, in turn, will affect the way your online brand value and overall online authority are projected to your audience. And THAT will affect your bottom line.