A friend of mine back in Seattle retweeted a URL a few days ago about using Twitter for marketing and PR, and the main page has very insightful thoughts and commentary about the issue.  In fact, I laughed out loud at this site, and I could tell it has great marketing presence to it.  What is very interesting (and funny) to me is how this site is questioning the usage of Twitter.  Let me explain.

Blogging focuses on a more extensive summary on a particular subject, in a pretty frequent manner (as frequent as once/twice a day to once a month), with SEO/SEM focus.  It has direct marketing and indirect marketing rewards based on the content published and frequency of publishing.

Twitter, on the other hand, is a microblogging phenomenon that sizes down the functions and marketing of a blog in a minute fashion, and intensifying the frequency with short, “blitzkreig-like” sentences.  So why not use it for marketing and PR?  I think that the question shouldn’t be about using it for marketing purposes; rather, the question should be more of using it for direct or indirect marketing, brand loyalty, industry authority, and so forth.

When you tweet with business authority, you’re going to be able to impart your followers the knowledge and wisdom of your authority, be more personable to your followers, and have more engagement and accessibility of communication, to say the least.  The value of your tweets increases as you tweet more frequently and with more authority, especially if you’re tweeting within your industry.  And as you continue to engage in consistent and more frequent conversations, you will find more opportunities for either direct marketing results, indirect marketing results, or both.