Top Ten Applications for Marketing

What is your favorite/top ten applications that you use for marketing?  Or maybe I should phrase it this way: What applications would you use if you were going to use it for marketing?  What are the requirements and prerequisites of these applications to qualify?...

Blogging takes time… Or does it?

I recently read an article from about how blogging success takes a few months (i.e. time and work) to generate links and traffic to that specific blog. “Content is king, but not always the case in blogs,” they say, “especially when...

A new way, a new day…

Whew… Too much to do and little time to do it.  Ever told that to yourself?  Well for me, it’s been like that ever since I started my freelance business.  And now that I have been doing this for a long time, it seems like I’ve had so much time...