Inspirational CSS Galleries

I keep a running list of CSS galleries that I peruse daily to keep up with the latest trends, designs, usability, and so forth.  I think it’s fabulous to see these types of site designs, and more than happy to share! > CSS Remix > Screenalicious > CSS...

Top Ten Applications for Marketing

What is your favorite/top ten applications that you use for marketing?  Or maybe I should phrase it this way: What applications would you use if you were going to use it for marketing?  What are the requirements and prerequisites of these applications to qualify?...

Using Twitter for Marketing and PR

A friend of mine back in Seattle retweeted a URL a few days ago about using Twitter for marketing and PR, and the main page has very insightful thoughts and commentary about the issue.  In fact, I laughed out loud at this site, and I could tell it has great marketing...